
About adminaqua

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So far adminaqua has created 286 blog entries.

Zig Zagging Towards Independence

By |2022-02-06T18:02:54-07:00February 5th, 2022|Categories: Aquaponics, Preserve, Self Reliance|

What's the Purpose? Some have asked me and wondered why I have pivoted into the world of Self Reliance with all this emphasis on Aquaponics, Life Hacks, Herbalism, Wild Edibles and all that we can do to preserve what we have grown, cultivated, built, and made? All of it, along with the lessons learned from [...]

No More Fiat Money? No Problem!

By |2022-02-03T10:24:33-07:00February 3rd, 2022|Categories: Events, Life Hacks - Food, Life Hacks - Storage, Life Hacks - Survival|

The recent news reports have not been kind for what is being done to the almighty dollar. The current perpetration of modern monetary theory, being a literal money printing factory, pumping trillions of dollar bills out in the system worldwide is fueling the inflation rates. along with the outer pressures upon it are all setting [...]

Aquaponics System Definition

By |2022-03-28T13:26:34-07:00January 27th, 2022|Categories: Aquaponics, Food, Hydroponics, Systems|Tags: |

Aquaponics System Definition - Questions Answered The proper Aquaponics System Definition is anything that can be used to grow food, utilizing fish in a closed ecosystem. There are methods and practices that enable the best way to do that, in terms of grow beds, grow mediums and the correct flow system from and back [...]

Aquaponics Systems for Beginners

By |2022-03-07T17:16:42-07:00January 25th, 2022|Categories: Aquaponics, Creation Hacks, Food, Self Reliance, Systems|Tags: , |

Aquaponics System for Beginners - Questions Answered Once understood how an Aquaponics system functions, a beginner can put one together and start cycling the system as easily as planting a backyard garden. Finding the right components and mentoring is a huge plus when one starts an Aquaponics System for Beginners. An Aquaponics [...]

The Top 7 Core Areas for Self Sustainability

By |2022-01-23T19:08:59-07:00January 22nd, 2022|Categories: Preserve, Self Reliance, Storage|

Your Current Self-Sustaining Status Who of you could, if there is no money, no grocery stores, no food banks, or electrical power at all could continue to live a life similar to what they had previous to the "Snap"? Now certainly we aren't looking at a society after someone named Thanos clicked his fingers together, [...]

Homeschooling Top 10 Tips and Tidbits

By |2022-01-22T11:55:38-07:00January 21st, 2022|Categories: Creative, Life Hacks - General, Tutorials|

Caveat Before Beginning With the recent actions within this time of the Plandemic of public educators and the refusal of the past social contract of educating our youth, it is coming more and more clear that we will need to have systems in place for us to do the educating and guide the expansion of [...]

Aquaponics System DIY

By |2022-03-02T21:12:31-07:00January 21st, 2022|Categories: Aquaponics, Planning, Structures, Systems, Tutorials|Tags: |

Aquaponics System DIY - Questions Answered An Aquaponics System lends itself to be the ultimate DIY project you can undertake. As you delve into what it takes to be Aquaponic, and to have a fully functioning Ecosysytem, you will be able to put one together and Do It Yourself. An Aquaponics System DIY [...]

Aquaponics System Design

By |2022-03-02T21:10:02-07:00January 21st, 2022|Categories: Aquaponics, Design, Tutorials|Tags: |

Aquaponics System Design - Questions Answered An Aquaponics System Design can be in as any configurations as there are leaves on a tree. Once you have the essentials, the fish tank, the grow bed and the methods of getting the nutrient rich water from the tank to the bed and back, you can [...]

The Hub-bub about Bio-Availability?

By |2022-01-14T16:24:02-07:00January 14th, 2022|Categories: Aquaponics, Life Hacks - Food, Permaculture, Self Reliance, Wild Edibles|

Let me say this upfront, I am not a medical doctor, nor a nutritionist, or a dietician by any stretch of the imagination. Everything I have placed in this article section is straight from the general layperson perspective and what education about anything (and in regards to nutrition) that I have gathered has been through [...]

Urban Skills and Street Smarts

By |2022-01-13T12:43:25-07:00January 13th, 2022|Categories: Life Hacks - Survival, Self Reliance|

No one and I mean NO ONE wants to be Crewman #6... If you aren't familiar with the term... let's try those Trekkies out there. In a catastrophic world, you don't want to be caught with a red shirt on... comprehende?!? Alright, straight up in plain English then. When crap hits the fan in this [...]

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