Life Hacks – General

Start Somewhere: No More Excuses

By |2024-07-13T14:09:02-07:00July 15th, 2024|Categories: Life Hacks - General, Planning, Self Reliance, Tutorials|

We all falter when it comes to making choices. It's the human in us all! It cannot be helped, and we need to come to terms with that fact before we start anything in this life, or it will drive us batty if we try to hold ourselves to a standard that can never be. [...]

Cutting Expenses Before It’s Too Late to Prepare

By |2024-03-10T16:03:10-07:00March 20th, 2024|Categories: Life Hacks - General, Self Reliance|

In a Television Series from Taylor Sheridan of Yellowstone fame, he had a series from the same story happen in 1923. In this show with Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren it showed where the family who had come into town from the ranch came across the new "modern conveniences" of clothes washers, dryers, and electrical [...]

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Modern Tech vs. Ancient Knowledge

By |2024-03-10T16:03:35-07:00March 8th, 2024|Categories: Life Hacks - General, Self Reliance|Tags: |

Modern Technology is Phenomenal No one can say, and if they do would be held a fool, that the advent of modern innovations and technological advancements in all aspects of life aren't worth the proverbial horse they rode in on. We have seen time and time again how the advancements in just medicine have saved [...]

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5 Secondary Skills That Will Always Be Needed

By |2024-03-10T16:04:05-07:00March 5th, 2024|Categories: Life Hacks - General, Self Reliance, Tutorials|

Beyond the obvious and necessary skills to learn and practice there are some additional skills that will always be needed and welcomed in a post catastrophe situation. Everyone will need some that can protect, can build, can provide food, and have medical knowledge to pass on. The problem is that some other aspects of a [...]

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Two Dozen Excellent Non-Traditional Preps

By |2024-03-10T16:05:03-07:00January 30th, 2024|Categories: Life Hacks - General, Life Hacks - Survival, Planning, Self Reliance|

We here on ThatAquaponicsGuy have detailed a lot of things that you could use for those times when things get hard, money is scarce, and resources get low. There are always the tried and true items that you need for food prep, or heating, or self-defense. But there are many other things that can be [...]

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Where to Start: Preparing Yourself for Upcoming Economic Hardships

By |2024-01-06T17:06:49-07:00January 8th, 2024|Categories: Life Hacks - General, Permaculture, Self Reliance|

With all the economic indicators showing that there is at least a slow down coming our way, we need to start getting ourselves into the mindset that we need to be able to nimbly navigate what is on the horizon. And the only time we have that we can compare the near future to is [...]

Items to Look for at Thrift Stores and Flea Markets

By |2023-12-07T13:18:18-07:00December 11th, 2023|Categories: Life Hacks - General, Planning, Self Reliance|

Country antique shops, thrift stores and area flea markets are where it's at if you are looking to load up without breaking the bank for your goods you need for tomorrow's every-day living! All are just a step better than a good garage  or estate sale. Scouring for hidden treasures and exploring memorabilia of the [...]

Teaching the Love for Reading

By |2022-08-09T15:19:30-07:00August 9th, 2022|Categories: Life Hacks - General, Self Reliance|

It matters not who you are, when you become a parent you yearn to see your children succeed in life. What shape that success takes is totally arbitrary to the exception of one thing: Those who find success, or a semblance of their version of it, are those who can intake information visually and learn [...]

Beyond the Survival Library – Items to Have At Hand

By |2022-07-05T19:29:13-07:00July 11th, 2022|Categories: Life Hacks - General, Self Reliance, Trends, Usage|

You may not be aware, perhaps you haven't looked too closely at it. As one delves deeper into the course of history, and into the patterns that are set into cycles you will find that as the saying goes, "History tends to repeat itself" In fact, if you are studious enough, beyond the advancements of [...]

45 Everyday Uses for Vinegar

By |2022-07-05T13:54:20-07:00June 15th, 2022|Categories: Life Hacks - General, Self Reliance|

There are very few substances that we can get without any government interference that can be used as widely and for the desired effects as we can with Vinegar. Vinegar is one of those items that has so many uses around the household that we should keep larger quantities of it at all times. A [...]