
Creation Hacks

Creating for Perishable and Non-Perishable Goods

Being in the digital age we have a nasty habit of wanting to get something because at the time we have a use for it. We immediately go down to the local retail store (hardware, food, electronics etc.)  and expect to see it there on the shelf, ready to be bought. Even before this time of consumerism, when you had the need for something (albeit the times were a bit more simple) you had to order and wait for it for 3-8 weeks before you could put your hands on it. Even before then, you had to learn how to make it yourself.


Creating the items you need in your daily life. whether it is a simple nail, or a rope, or anything else you would like to have to make your life just that easier to bear. ThatAquaponicsGuy is continually scouring the wavelengths and depths of knowledge for those things that we can do with our own two hands for a one-time use or an ongoing purpose. Below you will find the latest in what we have been able to drum up for the community.

Creation Details

This Creation section can deal with anything that takes action to make, refurbish or put together related to food, tools, dwellings, tutorials – Anything. The common denominator in all of this is to be able to receive sustenance from it or be a benefit to the users and the public in general. When you look to create, instead of just buy, you start to realize the importance of materials in their beginning states as well as the finished products whether store-bought or self-made.

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Creation Hacks

About Any item you can make, put together or refurbish

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Your Journey Begins Today

Imagine the confidence and self-assurance you will have in any situation you may find yourself in. In times of plenty, and times of scarcity; in places with tons of resources and very little to offer; for just your family or a way to make your living when you know all there is to growing, preserving, storing food and all the other “secrets” that make life easier in any economic circumstance. Don’t solely rely on what’s being done today, but on what you can do, day in and day out come what may.
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