The recent news reports have not been kind for what is being done to the almighty dollar. The current perpetration of modern monetary theory, being a literal money printing factory, pumping trillions of dollar bills out in the system worldwide is fueling the inflation rates. along with the outer pressures upon it are all setting up an utter collapse of the world’s reserve currency.

Couple that potentiality, with what is happening on a societal level. There are things being done with our banking systems that if you don’t tow the correct “line” of thought that you could be prohibited in access to or full felicity of the money in your bank accounts.  They are even looking to digitize money so no one, no matter their ideology, has access to cash.

Then there is the possibility that has a high potential of happening in a geo-political front. That money systems can collapse with the likes of an EMP or cybernetic attacks that could erase all the records  of all sorts, all debt and other financial concerns would disappear. Just take what happened during the Plandemic as an example. We were faced with the scenario which caused nearly all of us to lose our incomes, while still being stuck with the mortgage on our homes and the loans on our cars.

With all these factors, imploding or exploding the American monetary system there is a need for us to create or set up a parallel economy that can be relied on when the dollar goes the way of the Weimar Republic. We need to plan our finances in such a way that can plan the best way to survive short-term disasters and make it through a TEOTWAWKI event.

This makes putting our wealth to work for us a real challenge. The things most people invest in, stocks and money market accounts, can’t be relied on in a post-disaster world. For that matter, trusting in them in a normal world is a bit dicey, as the stock market can always crash. Even with the likes of Bitcoin, their volatility is no guarantee of preserving that wealth. But that doesn’t eliminate the need for investing in your future; just like everyone else in the world, we need to have our investments whatever form they take in order, both for the good times and for the bad.

This really means investing in such a way as to protect ourselves in the event of a disaster. If we do that, then our investments should carry us through the good times as well. What we need, in addition to our stockpile of supplies, are things that we can invest in, which won’t lose their value, even in a post-disaster world. May I suggest the following…

Gold & Silver

OK, this one is pretty obvious. Gold and silver have been a holder of value, and desired by people since the beginning of time. In fact, the dollar was closely tied to gold until 1974. During times of financial crisis over the last several millennia, these metals always maintain their value, even when everything else is dropping in value. They have their differing values per ounce and so can be used solely or in conjunction with each other.

Gold is often worth more per ounce and you can find them in coin form, but most times they are forged into smaller gold bars. Silver, however, is more often in coin form. A strategy would be that for the smaller stuff you need (when fiat paper money no longer has value) to have silver coins on hand and for the larger more expensive items the gold can be utilized. If it is gold or silver that people still want to make deals in, that would be the idea, and the ideal.

Other Precious Metals

There are other metals that are in demand as well. Because of their pliability, or use in other things like wiring or the like, you can use after you stockpile. Even the most basic forms of steel, or lead, or iron can be of use and value to those in need of it and can be made into something useful. Now, these may not be a viable option for you if you are on the go and moving around, but if you are staying put and in one place, the weight of the metal has no bearing on their value.

A Fundamental Industry Business

Many major disaster scenarios, even if it is an event  that is The End Of The World As We Know It, will have the remnants of the previous community utilities. And though most natural disasters would not be as serious enough that affects the rest of the world, our little patch of heaven will need those that can repair and replace, or at least keep things running as well as possible. If you know one of the trades for Plumbing, Heating and Gas, Air Conditioning, Electrical, et. al. any of the trades you will be in high demand. Your currency and value are in your hands, and that mind of yours. If you are having a hard time thinking what trades are, think of what was popular before the advent of electricity and go from there.

Any handyman and his tools will be worth their weight in gold, and people will trade value for that type of valuable knowledge and know-how in any economic climate.


When I’m talking about land here, I’m not talking in the typical way people have been investing in land for the last 50 or so years. The only type of development I have in mind is what you would do to improve it for your family and friends for your daily intake and would be far more than what a quarter of an acre can bear. What I’m referring to is the piece of land your home is sitting on or land that you can use for what is currently called homesteading, and what was called in the past just how life was all about. At least an acre (or better) with water rights or a working well that would be able to have the room to accommodate planting, animals and some type of industry.

Try to get it all free and clear from debt, so that the bank or anyone else can’t try to get to it thru usury. Granted, it is hard to pay off your home and the land it sits on; but if you will make an additional payment of say $100 each month, that money will go directly towards the principal on the loan, not the interest. I don’t have the exact figures at hand, but check it out; that could cut your 30 year mortgage down to 15 years or so.


As those seeking to be Self-Reliant, we have already (hopefully) taken steps to have our own food growing systems and reclaimed our food independence. We’re already stockpiling, and preserving our food storage. But we need to realize that our food is an investment too. Even in normal times, the cost of food is rising faster than the inflation rate. So, that food will increase in value faster than a savings account. Of course, in a time of crisis, it will be invaluable.


Even for us teetotalers, this is a very good option to consider stockpiling. People will hang on to their vices, trying to drown out the bad they feel around them feeding their desire to be numb, more than they will hold on to their most basic needs. People will seek to give in to their vices, even at the cost of their lives. That’s why alcoholics and drug addicts spend the money they need for food and heat to feed their addictions. This, unfortunately, makes alcohol one of the most powerful barter goods there is and easier (and more legal) to stockpile.

It can also be used for medical purposes for disinfecting, and pain mediation for medical procedures needing to be performed.


Tobacco in all their forms, in cigarettes, chew, or pipe weed can be utilized like alcohol, in that it is a vice for many already choosing to use it. People smoke to deal with stress and in a post-disaster world, there will be plenty of stress. Having a stock of tobacco on hand could be extremely valuable, perhaps even more so than silver.

I wouldn’t recommend investing in cigarettes, as they can go stale. Rather, invest in raw tobacco and rolling papers. If people want to smoke, they’ll learn to roll their own. Same goes for pipe tobacco, and try to store them in drier, non-humidity containers. It also, like alcohol, have medicinal uses.

Daily Commodities – Coffee, Medicinals, Herbs

There are even more coffee addicts in the world than there are alcoholics and smokers. If you want something that people are going to be craving after, willing to trade just about anything away for, this might be the golden ticket. Just about anyone is going to want coffee.

Think of the other things that we can and do use on a daily basis. What happens when there is no more Aspirin on the shelves? Do you have that in your stockpiles? Do you have something you can produce that can handle the aches and pains, the colds, and flus that spring up? Consider getting as much of what Big Pharma is still producing, and know the ways of pain relief naturally with herbs when they are not.


Beyond knives, daggers, and the rest of the bladed sets, your self defense is only as good as to how much ammunition you have on hand. Some have said that ammunition could become the common coin in a post-disaster world, especially a post-TEOTWAWKI event. There will clearly be shortages, even with all the people who have already built stockpiles of ammo. Concentrate on calibers that are useful for hunting and self-defense. If you can, learn how to forge and make your own as well.

Fuels – Gasoline, kerosene, natural gas, etc.

Gasoline is difficult, as it doesn’t store well for prolonged periods of time. The more volatile hydrocarbons tend to evaporate off and there is some oxidation of other components of the gasoline. Adding a fuel stabilizer to the gas can extend the life, but then only to about a year.

Kerosene and natural gas less so, being more stable and if stored correctly can last much longer than regular benzine petrol (gasoline). Use special care for any fuel sources and secure it so that no seepage, or cross contamination can occur.

If you can store your gasoline in sealed metal containers, it will last longer than it will in plastic gas cans. I’ve kept gasoline in a sealed steel barrel for over a year, without problem. And that was without adding fuel stabilizers to it. Even so, I would consider gasoline only a short-term investment, as it won’t last forever.

Essentials like Toilet Paper

There have always been alternatives to toilet paper. In the pioneering days, they used corn cobs and the Sears & Roebuck catalogue. But for those of us who have grown up accustomed to toilet paper, making that switch will be difficult. I’d say that it will be even more difficult for women.

This one is a bit of a gamble; but I think that toilet paper will become highly valuable in a post-disaster world. You just might want a few extra cases, over and above what your family is going to use, that is. And if you can produce it, even in an alternative form you may be king of the block at least.

But this isn’t only limited to TP. It can be things like toothpaste, floss, bleach, shampoos, cleaning supplies and more. These can be used in times of barter to those who are a little more concerned about hygiene.


If it comes down to long-term survival after a “The End Of The World As We Know It” event, probably one of the most important things to own and know how to acquire will be seeds. Not only are they essential for year to year growing a large vegetable garden and grow food for yourself and your family, but everyone else will need them too. They’re also going to need your knowledge about gardening, so that they can get their gardens going and feed their families.

This is probably only a small investment; but could have big returns. Knowing how to grow food, and with which type of seed is going to be invaluable in times when the crisis sets in for the long haul.

Personal Skillsets

Something that is often overlooked, and also discounted is what we already know OR with a little study and practice can know in good order. Beyond the trades knowledge, beyond the handyman know-how, and beyond growing things, there are things that are very valuable and can be used in a “non Paper Money” economy.

Blacksmithing, knot tying, fire building, fishing, sewing, and a host of many other skills that we have picked up along the way can be included in this section. Perhaps a specialty of working with animal skins, or making rope, or finding and using natural dyes or shaping metal to the desired tool all could work in a no dollar parallel economy. Things that can be done, not widely, but can be done WITHOUT access to modern conveniences like automation, electricity, and computing. Again turn of the 19th to the 20th century type of things, or what they call the Edwardian era of time.

You can be off and honing these special skills right now, and be teaching them to our kids so they too can have a method of putting clothes on their backs and food in their bellies.

Overall TakeAway

When the money, the ever powerful dollar is no more – it is inevitable at this point, it is when NOT if – where as the devalued paper it is printed on is only as good as to use as toilet paper, or wall filler (again see the history on the Weimar Republic) you don’t have to accept the dystopian view in many a modern movie. We don’t have to turn into a Mad Max or a Road to Eli type of society at all. We can be better, we can do better, and we have to learn better than we have in the last 70 years in the essentials of daily living.