Life Hacks – Medicinal

10 Healing Herbs You Can Plant Right Now

By |2021-09-02T17:19:35-07:00July 21st, 2021|Categories: Life Hacks - Medicinal, Self Reliance|

For many, the time has come to plan how you can get away from all those synthetic drugs being put out by Big Pharma. Granted, there are many out on the market that has incredible benefits and low side effects attached to them. Those, however, are the exception rather than the usual. There are a [...]

Medieval Sicknesses, Can They Make a Comeback?

By |2021-09-02T17:20:24-07:00November 6th, 2020|Categories: General Interest, Life Hacks - Medicinal, Planning|

Some have asked, that once the breakdown of a community starts to happen, what can we expect. One of those things that need to be mentioned are those diseases that were once thought to be eradicated or very rare, are now occurring more often. There have been countless articles about problems in the cities but I was unable to find any that addressed [...]

Homemade Cold and Cough Lozenges

By |2021-09-02T17:20:56-07:00June 10th, 2020|Categories: Life Hacks - Medicinal|Tags: , |

It may take a bit longer to do than running to the store, but we are all about doing it the right way and knowing how to do it as if there weren't any CVS around so here goes. Get yourself the following ingredients: 1 cup of sugar ½ cup of water 1 tablespoon [...]

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