Aquaponics System Definition – Questions Answered

The proper Aquaponics System Definition is anything that can be used to grow food, utilizing fish in a closed ecosystem. There are methods and practices that enable the best way to do that, in terms of grow beds, grow mediums and the correct flow system from and back to the fish container that make it more feasible and productive.

An Aquaponics System definition is the combining of Aquaculture and Hydroponics. Using the fostering the growth of your type of fish and coupling that activity with nutrient rich water-fed systems that grow your chosen type of plant. Herbal or leaf based, ‘fruit’-bearing (tomatoes, melons, etc.) and root-tubular food plants as well can be grown in our system. Bringing together the fertilizing capabilities of the waste production of the fish, through the nitrogen conversion process to benefit and grow the plants in the desired planting area commonly known as a grow bed. The plants use the nitrates to grow and develop, taking that compound out of the water and returning the water free from such a compound that can and does harm the fish. This closed ecosystem is set up to be as self-sustaining as possible for your food producing efforts.

Aquaponics Systems Definition- the deeper dive

In the traditional sense, an Aquaponics System Definition was set a long time ago. When farmers used the local lakes to grow food with what is called flood field agriculture. Utilizing the flooding from a nutrient rich source to the plants that they were looking to grow was the first methods used to define that Closed Ecosystem process.

In modern times the definition has become a bit more precise. Here’s how we put the meaning “Aquaponics System” into practice:

An Aquaponics System Indoors

As Aquaponics System Definitions go, building and managing one indoors it as truly year round as one can get. As long as you have the space for one you can create and manage one once you have the main components in place. We can all agree that the main ones are the Fish tank with a properly sized water pump (immersible preferred) to bring the ammonia filled water to the roots of the plants; The grow medium that can capture and process the nitrogen metamorphosis from the fish to the plants; and the grow bed that can temporarily house the water from the fish and return it to the fish in an aerated state.  Beyond that, how it looks or drains or what materials are used are just what you have on hand. To help you get our system up and running more quickly, ThatAquaponicsGuy has developed and is offering you a DIY Aquaponics System Kit. Find Out More about how you can get yours!

Any addition to the process, such as grow lights, timers, monitors, and then anything you do to grow the seeds into seedlings that can be aptly transplanted into the grow beds can enhance your experience and properly help you manage the system, plant growth periods and the resulting harvesting times. All of which can be found in our Shop on the website

An Aquaponics System Outdoors

Generally speaking, because you would have more room outdoors, the Aquaponics System Definition here would be much larger. Because you don’t have the limitation of space, per se, You can use larger containers for your fish and grow beds, which can also open up to what type of materials can be used in the outdoor version. Food Grade plastics, epoxies, specially treated wood and metals, etc.

With the larger dimensions your fish could be a larger species, the items you grow and the number of which you grow can be more as well as the pumps, monitors, flow systems, bell siphons and the like. The same as indoors,, but bigger.

Depending on the type of climate you live in (Alpine to Tropical) can determine also the duration you have for your growing system. If you are in a place that the temps don’t fluctuate too drastically one way or another from 72 Degree Fahrenheit then the world’s your oyster to grow year round. If it does move more drastically, you will need to limit your growing season or take steps that would mitigate the more extreme temperature swings.

All About Climate Control

A system for growing food is dependent on the temperatures for a myriad of reasons. First of all, most fish species are very susceptible to dying in the lower water temps. Even those you can find in mountain rivers and lakes, try to keep in the warmer places that can be found in the lake or creek bed. The main species that can be used from Goldfish to Tilapia and the larger fish cannot bare temps lower than 60 Degree or lower.

Likewise for most plant species. Some of which the germination process doesn’t start if it isn’t a certain and constant degree. the colder temps signify hibernation or dormancy for those that don’t outright keel over in the cold. Sure there are some that can grow in 60 Degrees or lower but those aren’t usually the ones that can be used for any nutritional value.

Thus when you come up with your Aquaponics System Definition, you need to determine how you can moderate the temps for your Closed Ecosystem. Indoors or out. In a spare room or in a greenhouse. However, you choose, choose wisely for the best optimal results from your Aquaponics System.